Ratings System
- 3 of Swords: DNF (Did Not Finish)
- 6 of Swords: Made it through but barely. Likely only continued due to a masochistic phase or car-wreck-style gawking. Major problems or differences of opinion. Very not recommended.
- Page of Swords: Has a couple good points that are unfortunately overwhelmed by bad points/flaws. If the book is part of a series, I will not be continuing with the series.
- Knight of Swords: Average. A decent read but nothing that leaves a lasting impact. If the book is part of a series, I may or may not continue with the series.
- King of Swords: A very enjoyable read that I feel happy recommending to other readers. If the book is part of a series, I will be getting the next book.
- Queen of Swords: OMFG! So good! Why aren't you buying it right now? Forget series; I will be buying up this author's entire backlist.
Genres of Books Reviewed
- Romance, especially in the Paranormal & Historical subgenres
- Scifi
- Fantasy, especially the Urban & Epic subgenres
- YA (rarely) if highly recommended or by an author I'll follow anywhere
- Occasional non-fiction or other random books I read when I feel like something different
Formats of Books Reviewed
I love books and I'm not terribly picky about the format. I mostly read ebooks these days because it's hard to beat the convenience of a library in your pocket. I have a Kindle Touch and a Kobo Touch, and I enjoy both devices. Despite my appreciation for ebooks, I maintain a decent-sized library of paper books, and I still buy them once in a while, especially for book signings. I also enjoy audiobooks and listen almost every day during my long commutes.
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